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Crib, Cross, and Communion

Crib, Cross, and Communion Luke 2:11 – Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 - that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures The Crib is the place where the most wonderful event, the Incarnation, took place - And the Word was made flesh... The Cross is the place where Jesus says, I love you so much I will die for you! The Communion is the place where we receive Jesus in the form of bread and wine, His Body and Blood. CRIB My dearest Jesus, if it is true that ownership is acquired by gift, then you are truly mine since the Father has given you to me. You were indeed born for me; you were given to me. As Scripture says: "For a child has been born for us, a son given to us." (Isa 9:6) Therefore, I can justly say to you: "My God and my all." And since you are mine, everything that belongs to you is also mine. (Rom 8:32) Therefore, your precious blood is all mine, your grace is mine, your paradise is mine; and since you are mine, who can ever take you away from me? Amen CROSS Was it possible that God, the creator of all things, would have been pleased to die for love of his creatures? Yes, it is through faith that he done so, "as Christ loved us and gave himself for us" (Eph 5:2). The earth, the heavens, and all nature with astonishment witnessed Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, the Lord of the Universe, die in intense pain and anguish, like a criminal on a disgraceful cross. Why? For the love of humanity! Lord, I have known your Mercy and Grace and yet at times not only have I not loved you, but I have frequently offended you. Forgive and restore me, I beg you and remind me continually of the death you have suffered for love of me, so that I may never again offend you, but may also love you.... My crucified Jesus, I want to be yours alone now and forever, and I will love no one else but you. Amen COMMUNION TABLE You have given your life to us – and you have bequeathed yourself to us in Holy Communion, that we may be nourished with your own flesh and blood. How can we see all these testimonies of your love and fail to love you in return? I thank you for giving me the time and opportunity not only to regret the offenses I have committed against you but also to love you for the rest of my life. PRAYER: Help me, my Jesus, to reject and expel from my heart each and every affection which is not directed toward you, so that from this day forward I may not desire, nor seek, nor love anyone but you, alone. May You Bless the Bread and the Cup of Life. AMEN!

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