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PLANT YOURSELF DEEPER - A View of Colossians 2:6-8

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.

When Jesus Christ came to the earth as a man the mystery that had been a secret for thousands of years was finally revealed. The Christ was to come as a man. In Him, all the fullness of God dwelt... Yet, He was to die for our sins as our sacrificial lamb.

Now He has been revealed, and Paul encouraged the Christians at Colossae to continue to live in Him. We must decide in each moment of our days if we will continue to live in Him as Paul says, or take the reins and attempt to control our lives on our own. When we realize the gift God has brought us, we are helped in making that decision as God reveals the mystery so that we can understand the magnitude of His gift to us.

Our life in Christ is deeper than merely living in Him. A full life in Christ requires that we develop roots that will contribute to our strong growth in our life in Christ. Troubles and trials will come our way. For the most part, if we are honest, we know that life is not always a "bowl of cherries". So, we must prepare for those difficult times. Each day we must strive to go deeper today than we did yesterday in our relationship and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Deeper, that is, in our surrender to Him, in our submission to Him, and in our love for Him. This deeper relationship develops a stronger faith as we learn of the powerful life-changing truths of Christ from His Word. At every opportunity we will then eagerly express our gratitude for all He has done for us.

Scoffers and false teachers will always be out there trying to win you back to your life without Christ. These enemies of the Savior possess an ability to deceive one who is weak in devotion to Christ. But, the truly devoted follower of Christ will recognize it by lining it up against the teachings of the Word. The lies and enticements of the scoffers are filled with human traditions and worldly practices. The devoted follower of Christ will recognize what is not based on Christ. And their teaching certainly won't be based on Christ, who is God's provision for all the needs of man.

Christ-followers must be on the alert to avoid and escape what Paul said regarding false teachers. They attempt to "take us captive through their hollow and deceptive philosophy". The Israelites, when faced with the hardships of wandering around in the desert, decided they would be better off to return to the slavery from which they had been freed. If we, after having been freed from sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, find ourselves tempted to return to the filth of the old life, there will be someone there to encourage us to go for it. But, we have a way to protect ourselves. And, that is, to daily grow deeper in our dependency upon the One who saves us - our Lord Jesus Christ. Live in Him. Plant yourself deeply with roots that will not be easily plucked up and wasted. Grow strong in your faith. Love and serve our Savior more than you did yesterday.

Gary's Wednesday Word 05 May 2021

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