What is a promise? By definition, a promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen. In action a promise is to assure someone that one will definitely do, give, or arrange something; to undertake or declare that something will happen.
Promises are almost always easy to make. We may make them under pressure from someone else. Or, we may make a promise simply because we care for a certain person and aim to please. But, in either case, there is the possibility that the promise may not be carried out. As humans we fail to follow through sometimes with our promises.
Unlike human attempts to make a promise and honor it, the promises our God makes will not be broken. How blessed we are with the assurance that God’s promises to us will always be honored and will come to pass. Nothing can cause God to go back on His promises to us.
Our lives would be radically different if we would take God at His word, believe He knows our needs, and stand firmly on His promises. One of the most well-known of Christian hymns is “Standing on the Promises.” The hymn writer penned 5 verses to the song, but I want us to look at the words in verses 2 and 4:
2 - Standing on the promises that cannot fail; When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail; By the living Word of God I shall prevail; Standing on the promises of God.
4 - Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord; Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord; Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword; Standing on the promises of God.
Howling storms are evident in our lives. They do create doubt and fear. All this is very much a part of today’s world as we struggle with drastic changes in our way of life due to an invisible virus. But, how blessed we are to know that the Master of the storm is Jesus, and He is always in control. And when we understand that and know that His Word is alive, as He is, and His promises will not fail, we can stand on the promises of God.
Our connection to God and to His Son, Jesus Christ is not a casual acquaintance. We are bound to Him, not just for a day, or a few years, but for eternity – by love’s strong cord – a cord that is not easily broken. As we trust in His promises to us we can, as the song says, overcome those storms and pandemics and anything the world (aka Satan) throws at us. We overcome with the power of the sword of the Spirit – the very Word of God. And by His Word, we can stand on the promises of God.
In the next few articles I will share with you, I would like us to look into some of the great specific promises which are included in the written Word of God. Maybe you will want to search the Scriptures (in both the Old Testament and the New Testament – God has been making promises since the beginning of time, you know) and find some of the promises which especially bless you. Then let me know which one you would like to know more about and I will try to dig a little deeper into them to help us all to stand firmly on the Promises of God.
You can send the promise to me at fairfolks @gmail.com
As we continue to stand together with Him and one another, we will soon be gathered together stronger for the journey.
Gary K Fair